General Archery Range Rules
- DO NOT Draw a bow back without an arrow.
- DO NOT DRY FIRE (Releasing the string without a nocked arrow).
- No sky drawing (Keep arm parallel to ground when drawing bow).
- Target and field points ONLY (no broadheads).
- No Crossbows.
- No running at the archery bay.
- NO SMOKING on the firing line.
- It is illegal to kill, injure or fire upon wildlife (all laws enforced).
Archery Safety Rules
- Always keep a loaded bow pointed down range and know what is beyond your target.
- No one is allowed forward of the red safety line when the line is ‘HOT’.
- Never load an arrow or take an arrow out of your quiver until line is ‘HOT’.
- Range must be declared safe before ANYONE goes forward of the red safety line.
- All bows must remain on racks and the line declared safe before anyone goes down-range.
- Stand to the side of the target when pulling arrows and ensure no one is behind you.
- Anyone can call an emergency ‘CEASE FIRE’ for safety emergencies.
- Cease Fire Procedures:
- Immediately put all arrows in quivers and bows on racks/hangers.
- No one is allowed downrange until range is declared safe and clear / ‘COLD’.
- No handling bows and / or arrows during a cease fire.
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