- Must check-in and check-out at range office.
- To prevent road damage, 4-wheel drive must be used on the access road to the Upper 3D Loop (UTV can be rented).
- Maximum 2 arrows per target per shooter.
- Target and field points ONLY (no broadheads).
- No Crossbows.
- ONLY shoot from designated shooting positions.
- Walking up in a straight line towards the target is allowed if target is to far for shooter.
- Shoot 3D targets in order and stay on designated trails.
- Stand to the side of the target when pulling arrows and ensure no one is behind you.
- If retrieving an arrow beyond the target leave a bow in front of the target or someone standing by target.
- DO NOT Draw a bow back without an arrow.
- DO NOT DRY FIRE (Releasing the string without a nocked arrow).
- No sky drawing (Keep arm parallel to ground when drawing bow).
- Always keep a loaded bow pointed at your target and know what is beyond your target.
- It is illegal to kill, injure or fire upon wildlife (all laws enforced).
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