3D Archery Loops are walking courses to shoot life size animal targets that are great for practicing for hunting scenarios. We currently have four loops with a variety of difficulties.
- The Chukar loop is only 10 targets that are 40 yards and under. A very short loop that is great for traditional archers, families, kids, beginners, or a quick practice.
- The Bighorn loop with 20 targets is one of our original loops that is the easier of the three loops with 20 targets at just under a mile long.
- The Mule Deer loop with 20 targets has great elevation changes, and more trees. This loop is just over a mile and has some longer shots.
- The Mountain Lion (Extreme) loop with 20 targets is two miles of strenuous hiking that takes several hours to shoot. This loop has mostly long shots, targets range from 11 yards to 112 yards.

3D Archery Rules
- All shooters must check-in and check-out at the range office.
- Maximum 2 arrows per target per shooter.
- Target and field points ONLY (no broadheads).
- NO Head Shots
- NO Crossbows.
- NO DOGS/PETS allowed on CSEC Property except by CSEC special use permit.
- ONLY shoot from designated shooting positions.
- Walking up on the trail towards the target is allowed if the target is too far for the shooter.
- Shoot 3D targets in order and stay on designated trails.
- Stand to the side of the target when pulling arrows and ensure no one is behind you.
- If retrieving an arrow beyond the target, leave a bow in front of the target or someone standing by the target.
- DO NOT Draw a bow back without an arrow.
- DO NOT DRY FIRE (Releasing the string without a nocked arrow).
- No sky drawing (Keep arm parallel to ground when drawing bow).
- Always keep a loaded bow pointed at your target and know what is beyond your target.
- It is illegal to kill, injure or fire upon wildlife (all applicable wildlife laws will be enforced).